Saturday, September 3, 2011

I came here to Teach, but all I do is Learn

I knew that coming down here I'd be doing more learning than teaching but I never expected it to be this extreme! Everyday I learn something new about the culture, the people, but also about myself. I learn things I hope and pray that I will never forget. The last few days have truly been a blessing. Amber, who runs a homeless ministry down here, has her car being worked on and is without any means of transportation these past few days. David has been driving her around which has given me the opportunity to spend a great deal of time at her homeless ministry getting to knows the people there! The members of the homeless shelter are all so unique and special! Their community is truly a beautiful thing to witness. They come together, especially at church on Sunday, and show how much of a loving family they are! As expected the kids there have a special place in my heart! They have taught be a lot about being grateful for everything that I have. These kids don't have much but are constantly smiling. They are grateful for something as small as a trip to play soccer! After an awesome afternoon today of playing soccer with the kids we dropped them back off at the shelter. Before going inside the whole lot of them hugged David goodbye to thank him for taking them to play soccer! Tomorrow I will be helping again with Children's Church and I am so excited! A lot of kids only come to Amber's on Sunday to come to church and attend the feeding that takes place after! These kids are some of the sweetest kids you'll meet and I can't wait to get to know them even better as well!

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