Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Teacher's Day 2013

Today is Teacher's Day here in Honduras. Yea thats right an entire day for Mr. Corey! Well I guess it is for all the teachers but you are here reading this blog so yea an entire day for Mr. Corey. The best part of Teacher's Day you ask, well of course the day off school! I've now had three different groups of students. This year by far the most, 30 in total now. The most staggering statistic is how many of them are boys in that number... 23. Yea not a typo, 23 boys. So as you can imagine my classroom is many things. The list includes never clean, always pretty smelly, decorated in mostly sports stuff, always loud, and of course avoided by all other teachers. That being said I've NEVER enjoyed going to work so much before. I love these kids. They are so smart and everyday just want to learn more. I haven't had one let alone 30 kids before so excited to learn new things. I literally have 30-60 hands depending on how excited they are raised trying to answer questions at all times. Even if I didn't ask a question. By Sunday nights I miss them and am completely okay with going to bed early just to start my Monday with them. I read somewhere that hugs have huge health benefits and help improve your mood, I can certainly attest to that being true. My students are the definition of "huggers" this year and I seem to have a line forming each day before they leave to tell me goodbye. This year has taught me that God has me exactly where I need to be right now because I couldn't imagine a better group of kids to spend so much time with each day. Needless to say I'm gonna miss these kids like crazy when the school year ends in less than two months.

My Life

I sat here trying to put a title on this blog post for a good week. Couldn't think of one that fully explained and expressed how I feel about what I've written below. Sorry it took so long to post. Probably anyone who is reading this already knows what it going on in my life. From my facebook posts and a newsletter I've kinda made it clear what has happened. Five kids have moved into our house. Most of you probably know their names and faces already actually. Antonio, Francisco, Mario, Marvin, and Yovani. Five precious kids with a mountain of potential that has not been utilized the past year or more. After many long meetings, discussions, and of course prayer David and I have welcomed these awesome guys into our home. The decision wasn't taken lightly. We talked to trusted friends and tried to think of all the details before the paperwork was drawn up and school was started. You never really expect to see your life change forever in a matter of days but that is what has happened. Long nights of homework and studying have already happened. With many more of the same nights coming our way. I've done the homework/studying game before so that wasn't anything new. At school I've had more long conversations on the staircase to my classroom than I can count. So the talks about behavior and change, well those aren't very new either. What is new is how responsible I am for all these things now. What is new is waking up each morning and getting ready for school with 5 new faces. What is new is the fact that once something like this starts you can't go back. Personal failure now means so much more when these kids' lives are so intertwined with my life. I looked back at some of my first blogs from my mission trip here over two years ago as I wrote this blog. "During the building of the house Mario, one of the middle brothers, was by my side helping me for most of the day. He hasn’t said much to me so far on the trip but today he was extremely chatty! Mario’s story is a long one and to see him thrive is awesome. Whenever we have been around kids his age he is the center of attention and is always sharing with the other kids. Its amazing to see someone that has less that me give without even batting an eye. He is inspirational. On our ride home Mario, Marvin, and I sat in the back of the bus. Marvin was passed out after a few minutes but Mario and I were talking, singing, and dancing the whole way back. He is an awesome kid and I am so very thankful that I got to know him a little better today!" I feel blessed to be able to look back at my first experiences with these kids. To know that I've felt this way about them from the beginning. That I can be so thankful for their presence in my life. My blog has always had the same background photo on the top. A picture of me with Mario on my shoulders looking out at a beautiful view. I had no idea that day that I had my life sitting up on my shoulders already. That all we had to do was wait for God's perfect timing to put us back together.
I pray I can be exactly what they need. I pray I continue to learn patience. I pray that I take advantage of this opportunity to be prepared for what He has in store for my journey.