Thursday, September 22, 2011


I might not be good at speaking Spanish but I think I've more than made up for that with hugs. Hugs go a long way especially when someone is having a bad day. Last night at the BC building there was some arguments and some all around chaos. I went inside to play with the kids and keep them busy while the craziness went on outside the building. Most of the kids were fine, running around and screaming and playing with each other. However I couldn't help but notice towards the end of the night there was a familiar face missing. Diana wasn't running around or playing with the kids. I assumed she had went to bed because it was getting rather late. I went in to a room to check on the dog when I saw Diana crying in a corner. Diana is not one to be sad. She is either angry at you or she is very excited and running all over the building. I went up to her and asked her what was wrong. All I could really get her to say was that it was about her mom. I picked her up and gave her the biggest hug I could manage. We then went to find one of the cats and sat against the wall for awhile. After a few minutes the crying stopped. It was at this moment I realized I am supposed to be here. I thought to myself that if I wasn't there to help her she would have cried herself to sleep. God gives us the opportunity to be where we are needed. He allowed me to come here and is putting me in positions everyday to help those around me. I am so thankful for the opportunities he has given me and I can't wait to see where else he will be taking me in the coming weeks, months, and years!

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