Sunday, June 3, 2012

Emerson and Jose de la Cruz

Last Sunday our Breaking Chains team suffered and unexpected loss as two of our teenagers were killed. We spent the past week with the street community as we mourned their passing. Only 14 years old. An entire life filled with violence and abuse. A kid who only wants to be loved. A sweet kid with a hard shell. Emerson. I love Emerson. He is very soft spoken, but most of the time had a big hug ready for me. The last couple months have been very hard for Emerson. Demons from his past resurfacing to cause more pain for him. However, the past few days he had seemed to be doing better. Just a few days ago we were building a house in the most beautiful place I have ever been to. We finished the four walls and were taking a break. Emerson and I sat looking at the view for a little while. Just leaning on each other and talking about how beautiful the view was and how we would both like to live here one day. We also talked a little about soccer because he had a game the next day he was very excited about playing in. This is how I will remember Emerson. I will remember him looking out into the distance and seeing nothing but God's beauty. I will remember him with my arm around him knowing that he knew how much myself and the rest of our team loved him. I will remember him as a 14 year old kid, forever young. Emerson is with our Lord now. He is in a place where the violence and pain of the streets can no longer hurt him. He is in a place where he is embraced in God's unfailing and everlasting love, and because of this I am at peace.
Jose just wanted to be loved. He was one of the sweetest souls I have ever met. He lived a hard life of violence and neglect, but when he found God and are ministry he slowly made strides to change. I can't tell you how many late nights we had with Jose talking about giving up his addictions. Finally something stuck and the last few weeks with him he was clean and more lovable than ever. If you have interacted with our ministry you will remember Jose, he lost half of his arm to gang violence a few years ago and has been disabled ever since. He never let this set him back and always tried, and accomplished, anything he could do with his limitations. One of the lasting memories I will have of Jose will be the stories told by everyone who witnessed him show God's love this past week at a special needs orphanage. To see the pictures and him giving back the love he has been shown brings tears to my eyes. I love these two boys. Let them be a reminder to us all that the world we live in has violence and pain, but there is also hope and love. Let them show us that with God's love changes can happen. We will remember them as children of God, who just needed someone to teach them what God's love really is. Please as always keep our team and our kids in your prayers as we continue to show the love of Christ in our day to day ministry with the street community in Tegucigalpa.

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