Saturday, April 7, 2012


Going to different children's homes will always be my favorite part of having groups here. I have only been to Didasko one time and it was just for around an hour or so when we brought the WOP band out to play with the kids and drop off food. Even though it was only for a short time I remember playing with a boy, Juan Pablo, almost the entire time that we were there. Since this was October I doubted he would have remembered such a short encounter. David and I showed up a little after the group and the were about to begin their Easter Egg Hunt. As I walked towards the starting line one of the kids ran up gave me a huge hug, it was Juan Pablo. Since nothing can take a kid away from the fun of an Easter Egg hunt we saved the catching up for after. He proceeded to tell me all about the last time I was there. He talked about playing soccer, how long I stayed for, when I visited, asked how my teaching was going, and of course remembered my name. I was floored when he asked the question why it took me so long to visit since I live just an hour away.

I told him that I will try very hard to visit more often, especially since I have the ability to see him being on a little under an hour away. He then showed me all around Didasko introducing me to all of the other kids including his two brothers that live at Didasko. His older brother is David and his younger brother is Minor. We then sat down and looked through pictures of my school and my old pictures where we found pictures from my last visit to Didasko.

As our time at Didasko came to an end we gathered up to pray over our meal. As we walked towards the cook out Juan Pablo asked me if he would be able to say the prayer. I asked the group if that would be okay and of course the agreed it would be awesome. As he prayed over the food and thanked God for the life he has and the great visit from loving people I was floored again at what an amazing litte guy he is and how I knew right then and there I would be finding a way to return to this awesome place on a regular basis to do what I can for the children of Didasko.

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