Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Hakuna Matata"

My Spanish gets a little better everyday... and when I say a little better I really mean just a little. But I am slowly learning how to have actual conversations with the kids here and that means sweet little moments are becoming more and more abundant. Last week we took a few of the teens around the corner to a Pulperia to buy some ice cream and I brought Jonatan with me and he convinced me to buy him one as well. When we got back I told him we should sit outside to eat it since the other kids at the building did not get any ice cream. So as we sat there we started talking about our favorite things. Food, music, movies, that kind of stuff. When I asked him what his favorite movie was he responded with "HAKUNA MATATA" as loud as he could say it. He finished my explaining to me that he means the movie with the lion I took him to see, followed by his own rendition of the song. I wish everyone could have witnessed an ice cream covered Jonatan singing Hankuna Matata it was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever witnessed. As my Spanish gets better I can't wait for more awesome moments with my kids down here!

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