Thursday, October 13, 2011

Breath of Fresh Air

The last few days have been pretty frustrating for me at school. My kids were not doing homework assignments, not paying attention in class, and just flat out behaving badly. With only a few weeks left of school I can't blame them for being antsy but it has been really tough, and to top it all off I have a head cold and have been losing my voice all week. Today, yet again, the majority of my 4th graders didn't do their homework. They were punished with a day without recess and they were yet again pretty mad with me. On the bus (van) ride home I sat in the back of the van instead of where I usually sit which is up front. In the back is where most of the younger kids sit and because they are just beginning to learn english I usually can't talk with them too much. As I sat towards the back the kids kept pointing out everything they could find that they knew the english word for. I realized they were doing this because they wanted to show me that they could speak my language. Also I now know just about every house's color in the entire city thanks to them. It was just what I needed today. I needed God to show me yet again that there is a reason that I am here. I was put here to help these kids and not just the 4th graders I spend the majority of my time with. I am here because of the entire school, I am here because of the sweet faces at Breaking Chains, and I am here because of the countless people I will still be meeting on my journey here in Honduras.

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