Saturday, August 27, 2011

More Fun With The Homeless Ministry

They last few days have been filled with awesome activities at school and with the people at the homeless ministry! On Friday I attended my first Honduran field trip! The majority of the school (pre-K through 6th grade) went to the Air Museum. It was really interesting to hear and see and learn a good deal about some of the history of the country. They had planes dating back all the way to the 1930's and explained a little about some of the wars the have participated in. The field trip was great other than one of my students pushing another child down in the plane we got to go in. This was only a big issue because the plane was on a slant the child rolled and I mean rolled down the length of the plane. Needless to say that was the last field trip my student will be attending this year. Next week is exam week at school so we spent the rest of the day Friday working on our long division so they are prepared for their first exam, Math! After a little one on one tutoring with some of the students who were struggling I am confident they will all do great on their exam!

Friday evening we were back to training with the awesome people from the homeless people. There is going to be a 5k that we will be participating in sometime in early November and we have decided to run 3-4 times a week to train. This Friday little Jonathan, pictured with me below, decided we wanted to run the entire time. The first two days of training he only did half. Unfortunately he was not quite ready to be running the whole time so he spent a good deal of time on my shoulders. This slowed me down a little and the people at all the street shops really enjoyed seeing this gringo running through the streets at night, covered in sweat, with a child on his shoulders. We didn't give up and finished just a little ways behind everyone else! This week a new child has joined the family at Breaking Chains. His name is Herman and he is determined to talk to me even though my Spanish is still awful. He just doesn't seem to understand that I barely understand him. But he is really good at hand motions and has taught me a lot over the past few days. He is definitely an awesome kid!

Today we went to Baxter to play soccer with the kids and teens from the homeless ministry. The ride there was interesting to say the least. We had 11 people consisting of me and 10 Hondurans riding in the bed of David's truck. Of course five minutes into the car ride it decided to rain and we all enjoyed the ride anyway. When we arrived the rain had stopped but not for long. Right after we started playing we were part of a good hour long downpour! This didn't stop anyone of the kids from having an awesome time! I played goalie and they were all impressed every time I made a save. As long as I am here they will always be surprised when I do anything athletic. The people at the homeless ministry are definitely growing on me. They are all so loving and are always so excited whenever me and David arrive! I definitely look forward to every visit and activity that we have with these amazing people!

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